
Indian Disposable Phone Number For Business

October 22, 2024
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Indian Disposable Phone Number For Business


Businesses often create different accounts on different platforms to use their services. This could range from a project management software to an accounting software. Businesses also use these numbers to carry out their operations and manage their customers. For example, the sales team, the marketing team and the delivery team would all need different numbers.

Different numbers could also be given to employees so that they don’t feel the need to share their private numbers with anyone. This not only protects their privacy but also ensures easy management of your team, resulting in effective business communication.

Issues Faced with Regular Numbers

Having a different sim card or using private numbers could end up being a huge hassle for the business and its employees. All of the OTPs and any communication would need to happen through that particular number which employees might take when they leave.

For remote teams or teams that operate from different locations, this process becomes very tedious and difficult to manage effectively. If the employee with access to the sim card and the device is on leave, customers trying to contact the business might not be able to get through.

Here’s where disposable numbers like Virtual Numbers come into the picture.

Instead of purchasing various sim cards and recharging them time and again, connecting them to different devices, disposable Virtual Numbers could be perfect to manage your business! You pay only once and use the Virtual Number throughout the year saving 90% costs when compared to a new mobile device! Simply reassign the number to a new user through a dashboard when you want to give the number to someone else.

Features of Disposable Virtual Phone Numbers

  1. Sim-free: Virtual Numbers are not linked to any device, which makes them very easy to manage.  Through a dashboard, calls can be sent to any mobile device that is available to receive them. 
  1. Manage Team: Easily add and remove users through the dashboard and manage which calls the users will receive at what time. This way, if any employee is unavailable, their calls can easily be routed to someone else. None of the team members will ever have to share their personal numbers since Virtual Numbers can also receive incoming calls.
  1. Integrated Inbox: Receive all SMSes coming to all Virtual Numbers in a single integrated dashboard. Manage OTPs seamlessly from this dashboard and never waste time trying to figure out which number or device will be receiving the OTP.
  1. Multi-platform access: Through the dashboard, business admins can now easily make any changes to the Virtual Number management process from anywhere in the world and through multiple platforms.
  1. Customised Solutions: Every business may use its Virtual Numbers for different purposes. Get customised plans of Virtual Numbers and their features based on what suits the requirements of your business and upgrade at any time with a single click!

Effective business communication is essential to create a lasting impact with your customers. Virtual Numbers platforms like Alohaa can help you achieve this in the most efficient and hassle-free manner. Alohaa is built on a cloud telephony system to make your business fully functional with a single Virtual Number. Manage OTPs, use an integrated SMS inbox, and make outbound calls through your Alohaa Virtual Number. New features like the option to manage inbound calls are going to added soon! 

Get your Virtual Number from Alohaa today!

Book your 15-minute demo here and experience all the features of Alohaa for yourself.
